This New Year 2020

It’s been an interesting time in the couple years that I have been writing on this blog. It’s the third day of the year 2020 and our Dumb shit president is provoking war with another nation. I try to be positive but the state of our politics is fucking disgusting. We literally have an impeached president who just assassinated another world leader, and no one will hold him accountable. The politicians in America in the year 2020 have forgone any sense of common decency, compassion, or empathy. My country is controlled by rich white men and women who have no care for the average. War and profits are all they communicate in.

What’s far worse is that they have divided us to the point where anything is an argument. There is a war on reality and I hate to say that reality, yes reality, is losing. There are enough dumb and completely complacent people in the country that this sad state is kept afloat by their own disregard for what is really happening.

I completely understand why people feel helpless and ultimately hopeless. Every system in the world that we know seems to be against the average person yet it is the average people who help perpetrate the system with our own apathy and distraction.

There is a lot to be upset about and a lot to be enraged about, there are tons of ways to hate on the system and take negative action. That is just it. They want you to feel negative. They want you to feel hopeless and worthless. The powers that be are the ones that keep us unhealthy and in the dark. Distracted with technology and media.

I’m not writing just to lament and bitch about all of the bad… I know in my heart and mind that there is positivity and love in the world. I see it everyday. Life really is what you make of it. Gratitude is the attitude. All we can hope to do is move forward and up and be kind to each other. In the coming Year I want to be productive and not put too much energy into things outside of my own mental orbit. I can be a positive light and I can be a motivation to others.

Now in this year 2020 we have to put aside differences and come together in solidarity. Australia is on fire, the earth is crying. I hope for some kind of absolution but I know that will only happen when we as a people wake up and start loving and taking care of each other and our planet. I have hope honestly. Everybody, myself included, needs to step our game up and start living our best life for the future.

So for the new year and new decade, I hope I can be productive and steadfast in my goals. I want to be compassionate and willing to help others. I want to be forthright and make sure to communicate as good as I can. Most of all I want to not fret about the future but make it how I need it to be. For myself, and for other humans.

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