Pax C Life Coach – Gratitude

Disclaimer, I am not a professional life coach in any capacity. These are my own methods and experiences that I use to deal with my own anxieties and depressions. I hope you can find something here that is useful or helpful to you. As always thank you for reading.

Today I want to talk about a word, idea, action, and philosophy that has helped me immensely in life and my eternal pursuit of happiness. That word is gratitude. I consider gratitude an action as well because you choose when and when not to show gratitude. Gratitude to me is also an idea and a philosophy, because living a life of gratitude takes a bit of work and is as much of a passive mindset as it is an action.

Gratitude – The quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

Not to go into too much details here, I’ve had depression and social anxieties since about middle school. I would get horrible test anxiety and I definitely had a bit of ADD. It’s not so much I had trouble focusing but it’s hard for me to sit still and I get bored easily. Throughout the end of middle school through high school, I dealt with some family traumas that I won’t go into here. Suffice to say, I had a fair amount of adult issues with trust, depression, drugs, addiction, and strange social anxieties.

Through out my 20s (2007 – 02017) I had a hard time in life. I was discovering what it meant to be an adult and I didn’t really have anything to my name that was worth shit. I felt out of place and I partied a lot as an identity. I definitely had hobbies and things to do to keep me entertained but as anyone with depressions and anxieties knows there are ups and downs. Drugs don’t help, they just exacerbate the mental problems and make things worse. On top of it all I got stuck into the life of selling substances to support my means.

This all basically fits into my first point on Gratitude. I am deeply grateful for all of the experiences that I have endured. Yes grateful for them. Those experiences have crafted me into the street smart and otherwise conscious individual that I am. I am thankful for the hard life lessons because they taught me better than having everything handed to me. Life was difficult but I am grateful for the difficulty.

I could have chosen to be angry and resentful. For a long time I was, and I did choose that path. I made life infinitely harder for myself when I was angry, or intoxicated. It takes more energy to be upset and angry, and it ultimately took a toll on my mental and physical health. Over 10 years, I went through a bunch of dead end jobs and just sold ganja and other substances for a living. It was about the age of 26 or 27, I made the conscious choice to be grateful instead of resentful. I made a choice to be thankful for all I had and for my opportunities, instead of continuing to let the past hold me back. I used to have the “must be nice attitude” and that was strait shitty. I would compare myself unfairly to others and not take into account all I was worth and have accomplished in life.

Gratitude broke me out of a rut so to speak. Once I started being more grateful and humble in my daily life it reverberated throughout every other aspect. I started getting into better relationships and receiving better work opportunities. It wasn’t all at once or like some miracle. It was gradual change over a couple years. It took effort and a conscious choice to get better, but it was powerful enough I could see, and could easily recognize the change. My life has been greatly impacted by increased gratitude.

It’s not easy to be grateful all of the time and gratitude can come in many different strengths. Simple to complex. I completely understand that life isn’t all peaches and cream all of the time. There are ups and downs for sure. I’m not here to tell you to not to get angry and frustrated, that is not realistic. Gratitude is a way to help deal with frustration and setbacks. There is no cure all for an over active mind, but there are tools you can learn and use that will help you regulate all of those thoughts and stressors.

Make Gratitude a Habit – To get started you have to make gratitude a habit. It’s easy for find things to be grateful for. I am grateful for my family. however messed up they are or once were, we love each other and have support for one another. Friends can definitely be considered family and of course animals. Everyday I am grateful for my dogs. I am grateful for my failures as as well as my accomplishment. Without failure and defeat you wouldn’t learn important life lessons. Example, I used to think I failed in my career pursuits and failed at being a good cook. In reality I was burned out and desperately needed change. I decided to be grateful for the opportunity, because doing something I didn’t love in my soul taught me what I really wanted to be doing. You have to follow your heart and intuition have gratitude because you are actually grateful not just to try to feel good. It took a leap of faith and change but I am infinitely happier than I was when I was slaving away in any restaurant. Grateful for the experiences but also grateful that I never have to do that work again unless I want to. I am grateful for my health and even my own positive outlook. You can be grateful about pretty much anything really. It’s just making the act of gratitude into a habit or philosophy even. The more grateful you become you start to realize that many of the trivial things you used to stress about don’t really have as much of an impact on your life as you once thought they did.

It isn’t always easy and of course I may seem all happy go lucky as you read this post, but I vent and get frustrated and upset just like any human. Trust me I have strong opinions and beliefs, and honestly gratitude has helped me temper my passion into something manageable in communicable instead of hostile and antagonistic. Here are some ways that you can start to build the habit of gratefulness, and start learning this philosophy.

Start small – Learn to be grateful for the little things in life that are a constant. Say it out loud, write it, post it on social media, or meditate on it. Whatever method you choose, put it out into the cosmos. Start by being grateful for your family or friends, your health, or your pets. A good job. A fun activity or hobby. certain foods or drinks, Anything. small or big. Everyone has something in their life that they can honestly say they enjoy if not love. Be grateful for that thing! Voice it. Be vocal about it. even if it’s just to yourself. Being happy and content in life starts and ends with your ability to be thankful for what you do have and not lust for the things we don’t. This is an everyday thing, and I know some days are way harder than others.

Exercise gratitude – Don’t compare yourself to others. instead of the feeling of “that must be nice” Train your mind to think a simple “good for them” or “that must be such an awesome feeling”. Again voice it! Be Vocal. This is training yourself to automatically think in terms of gratitude. When I see or hear of someone, especially friends or loved ones, doing something great I try to tell them that I am proud of them and that their work is inspiring or motivating. This usually gets a response of some kind and starts a positive line of thought / communication. This is both giving and receiving gratitude at the same time!

Build and Recognize gratitude – As I began to make gratitude into a habitual mind set I began to naturally dig into my own psyche. NOTE: I was in therapy for many years.. various therapists helped me learn tools of unpacking some of my own mental issues. I highly recommend therapy for anyone who may feel the need to express themselves to a neutral party. I always wrote in journals and stuff but talking to another human has a powerful effect on what we are willing to divulge and dive into. I began to unpack some of the things in my young adult life that had carried over. This all took a long time. Years of working through the issues. But I began to find that I was grateful for my experiences back then even if I could never have seen them at the time. This is discovery is more complex and is specific to the individual, and unfortunately it doesn’t happen quickly. This is more or less the goal of gratitude.

It is completely OK not to be grateful for things and situations in life. However, finding some gratitude for as much as you can is a powerful way to go about living. Life is not black and white and not everyone has the same experience. I understand that this philosophy won’t apply to everyone. I completely understand that there are things and events that happen in life that in no way deserve gratitude, respect, or even forgiveness. Every individual has to choose when and where and how they show gratitude. Gratitude is an action as much as it is a passive mindset.

I think I’ve basically given a good over view of the word and it’s functions and I encourage you to be grateful for the small things. Practice and build up your gratuity. It adds up and before you know it positivity and better opportunities will present themselves in your life. I takes time and the will power to change your habits and evolve as a human. This is not easy. But I believe in you and your ability to do anything you want in life. You deserve to be happy.

I hope this post helped someone one. I am just a human living in this crazy time and navigating this crazy world. I only want to share my methods and experiences to maybe help others. Feel free to reach out if you ever need a talk or vent. I will do my best to answer or respond. Much love and stay tuned for more if you like what you read.


Social Distancing – Thoughts and suggestions amidst the pandemic

With all of the uncertainty in the world today it is nice to have a place to dump my thoughts and writings. I’m genuinely more worried about the economic fallout than the virus itself. The virus is one thing and I can’t do anything about that. I’m super thankful and grateful for my job and being able to make money. I can more or less continue life as usual and not stress about the bigger implications. But I do worry because I care.

I was one of the people who didn’t really take it to seriously when it first started being a thing. I dismissed it as a bad flu or something that wouldn’t effect me. I got kinda stressed out at first but then realized that it is shutting down lots of businesses and work (some of mine included). I’m super thankful to have my day job still because I work at a medical dispensary. Haha Pot is now considered essential. Never thought I would see the day, but here we are.

Generally speaking, we are more introverted so the whole self quarantine thing is no problem for me. I’ve been enjoying the extra video game time and catching up on some of the chores and stuff that I have put off. I still have to go to work but my Unity Sound Co business is all but shuttered at this moment. Everything is cancelled or postponed indefinitely till there are more developments.

At first I thought it was something to do with the political spectrum but as I started paying more attention I realized it was an actual pandemic. I don’t like how our government is using it as a means to push agendas and what not.. I won’t get into it here. I had to take a break from the internet in general because of all of the conspiracies and other nonsense going around. Shit rots my brain. After overthinking about all of this shit and stressing a fair amount I realized we can’t do anything about this. Not a single thing. Stressing won’t help anyone because nobody has ever dealt with anything like this in modern history. Everything happening right now is entirely new. I started to feel less stressed out when I realized that all I can do is live day to day and plan a little bit ahead but not to far because we don’t know what the next week will bring. I’ve turned my thoughts inward and I’ve been working on making myself better and starting some new habits.

I know the world is messed up, but the thing that helped me was to bring it back in and be thankful for what I have and the spot I’m in. It’s not perfect but I am better off than so many people on the planet and I just want to express that I am thankful… I try not to take this life and it’s beauty for granted. This has helped me cope with the overall feelings of helplessness that seem to grip modern society. To often in we think that things could be better and we compare ourselves to others. This is all relevant but that doesn’t mean we should dump our time and focus into it. Being thankful and grateful for what you DO have is the start to breaking down that wall of expectation and wanting.

If you are reading this I encourage you to log off of the social medias and news networks. It’s ok to watch TV and play video games, or use your computer to do work or projects, but don’t over saturate yourself with all of the negative news that is going around. I feel there is a balance between healthy knowledge and being conscious, and unhealthy knowledge that is disruptive. I think now more than ever before in the history of our species we have an unhealthy apatite for the bad knowledge. Maybe not so much an apatite but we are distracted by so much information from so many sources sometimes it’s overwhelming because it’s all you see when you are logged into anything.

So, yeah I challenge you to pick up that hobby or finish that project that you let sit. Start a new healthy habit and try to refocus some of your time that you may be wasting by stressing about the state of the world today. Be vigilant and be cautious and of course be safe and healthy. We will all survive this but it will take us all working together. Always remember, we are making history, right now, today.

Much love and stay safe my friends.

This New Year 2020

It’s been an interesting time in the couple years that I have been writing on this blog. It’s the third day of the year 2020 and our Dumb shit president is provoking war with another nation. I try to be positive but the state of our politics is fucking disgusting. We literally have an impeached president who just assassinated another world leader, and no one will hold him accountable. The politicians in America in the year 2020 have forgone any sense of common decency, compassion, or empathy. My country is controlled by rich white men and women who have no care for the average. War and profits are all they communicate in.

What’s far worse is that they have divided us to the point where anything is an argument. There is a war on reality and I hate to say that reality, yes reality, is losing. There are enough dumb and completely complacent people in the country that this sad state is kept afloat by their own disregard for what is really happening.

I completely understand why people feel helpless and ultimately hopeless. Every system in the world that we know seems to be against the average person yet it is the average people who help perpetrate the system with our own apathy and distraction.

There is a lot to be upset about and a lot to be enraged about, there are tons of ways to hate on the system and take negative action. That is just it. They want you to feel negative. They want you to feel hopeless and worthless. The powers that be are the ones that keep us unhealthy and in the dark. Distracted with technology and media.

I’m not writing just to lament and bitch about all of the bad… I know in my heart and mind that there is positivity and love in the world. I see it everyday. Life really is what you make of it. Gratitude is the attitude. All we can hope to do is move forward and up and be kind to each other. In the coming Year I want to be productive and not put too much energy into things outside of my own mental orbit. I can be a positive light and I can be a motivation to others.

Now in this year 2020 we have to put aside differences and come together in solidarity. Australia is on fire, the earth is crying. I hope for some kind of absolution but I know that will only happen when we as a people wake up and start loving and taking care of each other and our planet. I have hope honestly. Everybody, myself included, needs to step our game up and start living our best life for the future.

So for the new year and new decade, I hope I can be productive and steadfast in my goals. I want to be compassionate and willing to help others. I want to be forthright and make sure to communicate as good as I can. Most of all I want to not fret about the future but make it how I need it to be. For myself, and for other humans.

My 2018 in review! Moving onward and upward! & Some goals and ideas!

I learned a lot in 2018 but I think the most important thing I learned, once again, was to NEVER READ THE COMMENTS. I’m partially joking but that is one of many things that I reminded myself of countless times over the past year. Don’t read the comments, say what you have to say, watch what you want to watch, and like what you want to like. Don’t let the dregs of the online population get you down or critique your favorite things to death. Remember to enjoy your time doing things because you enjoy it, not because someone tells you that they think you should or shouldn’t. Form your own opinions and think critically for yourself.

I had a bad habit of reading too far into things that I like or consume, whether it be media, food, or even certain industries. I realize I over critique a lot of things to the point that I don’t ever experience them for myself, more or less I only experience things through this lens of critical analysis.

I am hopefully stopping this in the coming year. Don’t get me wrong i like to read and do some research on things but concentrating on others reviews or comments about a certain thing can be damaging.. You gotta think someone is more likely to comment on something if something was wrong or if they were unsatisfied.. Unless presented with an option someone who is satisfied or content will PROBABLY NOT go out of their way to make a post or review saying “I like it, I’m satisfied”. The comment sections and review sections are usually more or less for trolls or people who have negative things to say. While it is good to review certain things so you don’t make shit purchases, it’s easy enough to look at the overall numbers of people who gave it a good rating VS people who gave it a bad one.

Bad time to be a gamer..

Since 2016 I have felt that as a solid video game player I have been getting more and more screwed over. Lately it has been a trend in all gaming industries to do micro-transactions. However they rely on these MTs (micro-transactions) to generate revenue so they can add more content and development to the games. There has been severe push back on the topic of MTs, gamers in general don’t care for them.

Now they do this Games as a service model that effectively releases partially finished games at full price and then updates them regularly and adds content to the entire player base instead of just charging extra for the guarantee of full content packs. They rely on a strong player base to be buying those MTs which are usually customization’s that have no real game value, they don’t effect statistics or characters actions at all they are purely cosmetic.. Most gamers can agree that this is pretty harmless and one doesn’t have to purchase them in order to enjoy the game in any sense. However the release of sub par and unfinished games is a sad conundrum that I don’t see getting better as game companies get greedier and the prices to produce games gets ever higher.

I would almost prefer if they were real with their customers and say look Games just cost 80 dollars anymore.. Sorry it’s the price of production and whatever else but now it feels like they are charging full price and not delivering even half of what would be considered a full video game, even 5 years ago.

I am a customer who likes to support the game developers and artists, but when I am repeatedly suckered into paying full if not extra price only to have to deal with bugs, glitches, and price drops less than a month after release.. Countless times it has happened where less than 40 days after I pay 80 dollars for a game I see it online for only 30 or 40 dollars. That is ridiculous. It’s like they are punishing the players who pay the most amount of money. Needless to say I finally learned my lesson. I won’t be buying any more games on launch and especially paying extra for pre-order crap. It’s simply not worth my money and the games end up not even being fun to play for another 6 months to a year after they are released by that time they are a fraction of the price, yet more enjoyable.. How does that work.

I love video games and I will always play them and enjoy them but I’m learning that this is considered normal in the industry now and it probably won’t change just get more effective over the years.. I’ve always said if they do away with the physical media I will probably not play as many video games anymore.. I don’t like the always on model and streaming games idea. Let me have my collections and share them with my friends if I want to.

Looking forward to 2019.

All in all 2018 was a great year. I did a ton of business and made a lot of great connections. I have some ideas and things that I want to do in 2019 and one of them is go back to school. I plan to attend CNM again this coming summer and start my degree in communications. I want to be a writer or game journalist of some kind. Even if it doesn’t have anything to do with video games I want to do some kind of writing either creative or professional. I will pursue business but I will do that in my own capacity with Unity Sound Co and other ventures.

I am also practicing and want to learn proficiency in the Spanish language. I think it’s important to be able to speak the languages of your neighboring countries, for both business and security. Being an interpreter is a well paying job that I would actually get some enjoyment out of and the communication degree as a whole will let me practice what i do for fun anyways; reading, writing, and creating.

As for Unity Sound Co, I like where I am at with it. I can increase business the more I go out and network, and a steady stream of people organically hit me up on the regular for small events and shows. I need to put my foot down with my pricing this year. I helped a lot of people out, even last minute sometimes, and never got compensated. Only I can ensure I get good business. I also need to keep better track of my accounting. That just makes it a lot easier when I go to file my taxes and do end of the year paperwork.

I want to do a couple of party in the park styled events and this time I would like to have some more vendors and artists. Maybe invite a little bit of color into the spectrum. I’m not looking to make a lot for that part of my shows, more to let the artists have an opportunity to make some money.

Overall I am looking forward to 2019.. I’m through pre-ordering games.. I am done reading comment sections and critiques.. I’m ridding myself of toxic politics.. I am going back to school and running my business well and making it as good as I can. I know nobody cares haha.. feel free to comment and tell me what you are up to in the coming year.

As always thank you for reading!

For the Sake of Writing – An update and shameless self promotion

It’s been a couple months..  Unity Sound Co is in full function this year and business is already going pretty well.  I am super happy with the support and business I have gotten already while gigs and rentals keep on stacking up.  I am practicing my DJing and building a persona for myself with a logo and the whole story-bio thing.  I am stoked and I want to play some music again.  I know how to use all of the equipment the business owns, why not enjoy some of it.  All work and no play makes me crabby.  Haha

I have been working on various novel projects as well in my spare time, writings that I may or may not put on here eventually.  I don’t know.. not very confident with them yet.

Let’s see… I got a new smart phone I went back to the best phone on the planet, the Iphone SE.  It’s the shit, it’s not a huge tablet phone, it is a nice, sleek, and powerful device with a great camera.  It has the old Iphone 5 body so it is nice and small.  I don’t need some big ass screen in my pocket to keep me distracted and oblivious..  Yep..  I still don’t have the fakebook app on the phone, and I still use my computer for a lot of my social media usage.  I have been keeping it mostly as a tool for communication and networking.

I finally got the physical copy of my Business degree!  Stoked to actually have all my hard work in some kind of physical form.

For the most part everyone in the music scene is doing good things.  Lots of great music coming through even if I won’t be able to enjoy most of it.  I have to save for a place to live, you see, and I am tired of renting so I am going hard on the big purchase, the ultimate commitment, a house.  Holy shit all kinds of adulting going on this year.

Yeah that is pretty much it, still disgusted with the current state of political shit show and how backward our world has become..  It’s like the worst parts of great sci-fi novels.  We live in it today..

Regardless it’s important to try to find the beauty in things.  No matter how shitty the world around seems, if you lose the phone and ditch the computer screen and look around, you will see beautiful people doing beautiful things.  It’s more of a challenge to be positive but I have always liked to push myself to a degree.  Stay friendly toward each other even as the world and our tempers heat up.   We need solidarity if we are to become a good honest nation again.

All this boils down to why I started my business and why I like to be a sound man.  Throughout my 31 years of life some of the best times of it involved music and pleasant noises.  I named my business Unity Sound Co because we need unity in the world.  I have seen different crews come together and make magic happen, I’ve seen all kinds of different people working together to make amazing events that people will remember for the rest of their lives.  I am honored to carry the torch and help provide something that we all love so much.  Music.

I hope my business can support me fully but I am thankful to have other ventures for if it does not.  The overall aim is to be pure and fair but to make money because I know my worth.  I am not ashamed of being a successful business man.  I’m very proud of it in fact.  Many businesses fail because they sell themselves short and don’t know their own worth.  I don’t want to be one of those businesses.

If you would like to be part of things and enjoy all of the great music that the business will be a part of, please follow on facebook , @Unity Sound Co.  Also follow us on Instagram for pictures and flyers of upcoming events @unitysoundco.  Lastly please visit and check the website, , often for the event calendar and info on upcoming events that have been confirmed.

Much love! Thank you, as always, for taking the time to read my blog and if you would please follow and share my business and events.  This means the world to me, otherwise I hope to see you soon at one of Unity Sound Co’s events!



Time to log out! – an observational opinion.

I notice, these days, that I get super flustered over the dumbest shit in the world.  I feel stressed just scrolling down and reading all of the bullshit I see.  I call people out over their own bull shit and I am overly sensitive.  I could even call myself a troll.  I like to debate with people about things I know nothing about while putting up an image that I actually care about what we are even debating.  I shit post and I am overly rude and cynical.  I like to get a rise out of people.  I will even call myself a bully sometimes.

The catch is… I only do this shit online.

I hate social media with a passion and I am painfully addicted to it.  Fuck,  you can’t feel connected or get invited to shit without it because people don’t just call each other anymore.  Word of mouth is almost a thing of the past and online social networking has become the solid norm.  I feel it is degrading our abilities to communicate and otherwise interact in person.

I’m lucky..  I was born in 1986..  I like to say that a couple years make a big difference…  I remember playing outside with other kids and otherwise socializing and living unconnected from any network or online gadget.  It was just the norm.  I played video games a lot but even then my Mother would make us go outside and play or take us for some outdoor activity.  this was the early 1990s.

I remember computers in schools being these big blocky things that were down in an underground “computer lab” where this geeky guy named Jeff was all stoked that he had networked our elementary school so everyone could get a fuckin email at the same time!!!  Back then that was a big deal.  He would take the classes down there and it was hot as hell and all the screens were super old black and white Macintosh computers but he would let us play little games and show us how to send emails and open up word documents.  Super Basic.

My middle school all the kids were getting mobile phones.  I was late in getting a cell phone of any kind and used the landline till I was like 15 or 16, where most kids had them for several years already…  By the time I had one I already felt behind the game in many ways.  I noticed over 10 years ago how people were hopelessly addicted to their phones.  The phones themselves quickly gained new features that allowed people to communicate faster, albeit more informally, with small chunks of text typing that is now the solid way that most people communicate.

Now our modern phones are literally small computers complete with state of the art resolution, color, cameras, and sound capabilities.  Not to mention that nearly all phones have the ability to connect to the internet so gone is the days of having to reference books or look up stuff in data bases or spend time in libraries.  Now literally anyone with a “smartphone” can look up, watch, listen, download, or purchase literally anything in the known world with the touch of a button.  This has created a sense of misplaced urgency and stress that overall, I believe, is damaging the fundamentals of patience, self worth, work ethic, and overall human character.

Overall with the fast, edited, and impersonal communication you get a breed of people on the internet who know that they can now say anything to anyone at anytime, no matter how vile or hateful it may be.  The thing is they can do it under the guise of anonymity.  Their actions never get proper consequences.  Nobody ever sees them but now in the world you have a whole sub culture of people who cannot let people be proud of anything, who spoil new media, who critique EVERYTHING, and who ultimately proliferate a sense that people are vile and horrible overall.


If you want to ever desire to read some of the worst of the worst of human communication.  Go to any honorable or even half way credible news or blog page and read the comments.  !! CAUTION !!  This may potentially upset you at the sheer stupidity of some people.  Comments may potentially disgust you with the sheer amount of small minded, childish, ignorance contained within them.

For real though the “comments section” of most online social media are literally the spaces between the cracks in society where only the most demented, lonely, sad, racist, scared, dissatisfied, or angry people in the world ever show their true faces.  It’s sad that most of the internet has devolved into a shit show of trolling and baseless bullshit articles.

One of the most aggravating things in the current social political climate is that people willfully ignore stated facts that are reliable and approved on many spectrums.  It’s almost like in the year 2017 you have this battle against factual information.  There are whole groups of people who read stuff (or don’t) and just kind of make up their minds about the way it is, or should be.  Then they stubbornly stick to it even in the face of sheer disaster and failure.  This isn’t a political post but for fuck sake our current president of the united states and the 34% of Americans that still support him have blatantly ignored factual information and instead pander to strait lies bordering on propaganda.  This creates a huge paradox in the United States today where the division is further multiplied by stupid people within both sides of the argument who create even more division with their often ill informed stances and ideas.  And the overall lack of accountability..  different day different post.

What I noticed when I log out and turn shit off.

Alas there is hope.

I spent anywhere up to 4 hours a day on my phone looking at social media.  Sitting there..  scrolling with no purpose or reason.  I scroll so much on some sites that I start to see bullshit that I saw 3 days ago.  I get mad at the stupidity of the general public when debating pointless ideas.  I realized my motivation and enthusiasm in real life was slacking.

So I made the conscious choice to log the fuck out.  Simple.  I logged out of my social media accounts on my phones and computer.  I deleted the apps off of my phone altogether.  What I found was pretty fucking cool.  It took a week or two to not even attempt to open the stupid websites.  I would pick up my phone or open my computer and open the website and start to put in the login information and have to tell myself out loud ” get off this garbage ”  and close whatever device it was.  It was seriously like an addiction, a fierce habit that I had to break.  It took serious time and effort..

Once I was more or less over the urge to always be checking on my status, I realized I was way more productive in the daytime.  I had more energy and I started eating a bit better because I was up and moving instead of sitting in one positition staring at a screen.  My mood improved because I wasn’t constantly surrounding myself with garbage media and stupid comments.  My motivation for music and hobbies came back and I curretnly have a bunch of projects in the work.  Overall I noticed a super positive difference when I logged in to life instead of anti social medias and stupid news.  My stress levels overall went down day by day and I feel I enjoy social events more when I don’t think, right off the bat, that every conversation I have is going to be with some troll.

Bottom line in real life People are pretty cool, we have a lot in common with our fellow man, no matter what race or color or background.  We all fundamentally want the same things in this life.  The wants of the individual may be extremely different, but the core needs of any human is not that different from the next.  Food, water, shelter, security for the family, and a good place to grow up for the kids.  Those things are universal among any “good” person.  Despite our various life situations and circumstances, we all really want and need a lot of the same things. It’s pretty easy to have conversations in real life and usually all it takes is a smile and a simple “Hello”  or “good afternoon”.

I still battle everyday with social media.  I own a business so ultimately I have to have an online persona and way to communicate with people.  So I am hopelessly stuck to it if i want to network and succeed.  However I have taken a next step to communicate better and live in real life more.  I have officially down graded my phone to a normal basic flip phone with no apps or social media.  Just talk, text, and basic data.  I will document the quality of my life without a smartphone and see if anything changes.

Well the main gist of this post is to possibly try to log out of stuff.  Turn off the little screens.  If even for a day or two.  See if anything changes?  Do what you want and makes you feel comfortable.  I know I function better and have less stress when I try to stay clear of social media and internet.  I feel a lot of people would agree if they were to try it for themselves.

As always thanks for reading!  feel free to comment below.



Poetry – Let your mind wander

When I sit here awake and so close to sleep,  My mind starts to wander…   Who am I really?  What am I doing here?  You know…  The usual life to ponder.

Hits from glass and smoke so smooth, feelings be numbed, nervous and stress does it soothe.  Into thin wisps the smoke then curls, as I fell into sleep, the world twists and twirls.

A heavy head rests on hands, as I venture through mountains, cross mighty oceans, and dunes of emerald sands.  Every love ever lost, Epic Stories never told, So real you can feel the pain of the frost, or the warmth of the fires gold.

In this space I jump and leap, As well, in this place I solemnly weep, For I know this beauty I cannot keep, because it lies to me, this visage of sleep.

The slightest shift, a head starts to turn, abruptly awakened, through un blinded windows sun does burn.  Immediately saddened, why couldn’t it last, a pen and empty pages, why does sleep happen so fast?

Now I sit here awake and so far from sleep, get up and face your day yonder…  know that that place is inside of you, as long as you let your mind wander..