Social Distancing – Thoughts and suggestions amidst the pandemic

With all of the uncertainty in the world today it is nice to have a place to dump my thoughts and writings. I’m genuinely more worried about the economic fallout than the virus itself. The virus is one thing and I can’t do anything about that. I’m super thankful and grateful for my job and being able to make money. I can more or less continue life as usual and not stress about the bigger implications. But I do worry because I care.

I was one of the people who didn’t really take it to seriously when it first started being a thing. I dismissed it as a bad flu or something that wouldn’t effect me. I got kinda stressed out at first but then realized that it is shutting down lots of businesses and work (some of mine included). I’m super thankful to have my day job still because I work at a medical dispensary. Haha Pot is now considered essential. Never thought I would see the day, but here we are.

Generally speaking, we are more introverted so the whole self quarantine thing is no problem for me. I’ve been enjoying the extra video game time and catching up on some of the chores and stuff that I have put off. I still have to go to work but my Unity Sound Co business is all but shuttered at this moment. Everything is cancelled or postponed indefinitely till there are more developments.

At first I thought it was something to do with the political spectrum but as I started paying more attention I realized it was an actual pandemic. I don’t like how our government is using it as a means to push agendas and what not.. I won’t get into it here. I had to take a break from the internet in general because of all of the conspiracies and other nonsense going around. Shit rots my brain. After overthinking about all of this shit and stressing a fair amount I realized we can’t do anything about this. Not a single thing. Stressing won’t help anyone because nobody has ever dealt with anything like this in modern history. Everything happening right now is entirely new. I started to feel less stressed out when I realized that all I can do is live day to day and plan a little bit ahead but not to far because we don’t know what the next week will bring. I’ve turned my thoughts inward and I’ve been working on making myself better and starting some new habits.

I know the world is messed up, but the thing that helped me was to bring it back in and be thankful for what I have and the spot I’m in. It’s not perfect but I am better off than so many people on the planet and I just want to express that I am thankful… I try not to take this life and it’s beauty for granted. This has helped me cope with the overall feelings of helplessness that seem to grip modern society. To often in we think that things could be better and we compare ourselves to others. This is all relevant but that doesn’t mean we should dump our time and focus into it. Being thankful and grateful for what you DO have is the start to breaking down that wall of expectation and wanting.

If you are reading this I encourage you to log off of the social medias and news networks. It’s ok to watch TV and play video games, or use your computer to do work or projects, but don’t over saturate yourself with all of the negative news that is going around. I feel there is a balance between healthy knowledge and being conscious, and unhealthy knowledge that is disruptive. I think now more than ever before in the history of our species we have an unhealthy apatite for the bad knowledge. Maybe not so much an apatite but we are distracted by so much information from so many sources sometimes it’s overwhelming because it’s all you see when you are logged into anything.

So, yeah I challenge you to pick up that hobby or finish that project that you let sit. Start a new healthy habit and try to refocus some of your time that you may be wasting by stressing about the state of the world today. Be vigilant and be cautious and of course be safe and healthy. We will all survive this but it will take us all working together. Always remember, we are making history, right now, today.

Much love and stay safe my friends.