Book Review – “Eat That Frog! Get More of the Important Things Done Today” by Brian Tracy

Eat That Frog: Brian Tracy: 9781444765427: Books

This is one of the audio books that I listened to during my time driving to and from the job a city over. There is no real timeline other than I listened to these between September 2020 and February 2021. I was on a kick of motivation and productivity being at the new job.

I remember this book being short but sweet. This won’t be a very long review I remember laughing because the guy sounds pretty smug in the recording I listened to and I believe it was the author that read it. He sounded like he just made a bunch of money for writing a cheesy book about being productive, time management, and setting goals. To me this books was fairly basic in terms of revolutionary ideas. The past couple books I listened to were much better overall and contained more relevant information.

I liked the easy read or listen. It was pretty basic in terms of lasting importance. It focuses on prioritizing the biggest most important or otherwise lucrative tasks and goals. It has some solid information and ideas for anyone who struggles with a mountain of things to do or tasks to finish. It was definitely a useful read and I got something out of it for sure. I carried everything that I read and did forward from that time working out of town. I learned a lot and was able to listen to some good material for self growth. It was a good life experience and this little books was a worthy read. Not much I didn’t like about the book. It was short and not complicated. The phrase “eat that frog” gets said a lot but the book describes what it means in better detail.

I would recommend this book to anyone who is looking for help with productivity and accountability as this book provides some good common sense advice and tactics. You could probably finish it in a couple reading sessions but you never know the information could help you manage yourself and your time better.

Overall this is a good little book. Nothing wrong with it even if I didn’t get much out of it. Check it out if longer more in depth books aren’t your thing. It’s easy and thoughtful. A little something for everyone contained within. Hope this review was helpful or informative. As always thank you for reading and feel free to comment or engage.


Video Game Review – Far Cry 6

Before I begin I am fully aware of the current situation with Ubisoft and how the company treats employees. I hate that the CEO and Executives of these companies treat their employees poorly. It’s sad that an industry I love so much is marred by such a terrible work culture. In short I buy Ubisoft titles because I genuinely enjoy the work that countless talented people create. I support the artists, writers, programmers, musicians, testers, actors, designers, engineers, etc that make these games come to life. I stand in solidarity and support of all of Ubisoft employees, I want them to be proud of their games and work. They should be.

Cover art

Just finished the game earlier today Nov. 6th. Very happy with the experience overall. I enjoy the chiseled gun play and entertaining characters of Far Cry games. The villains are some of the best in Gaming and media in general, Far Cry 6 featuring A-list actor Giancarlo Esposito, who famously played bad guy Gus Fring on the hit TV series Breaking Bad. He plays a very well written and perfectly acted Dictator. I had hoped him and the player had more verbal and physical interaction like in past Far Cry games, but every scene he is in has Gravity and cements why he is a Feared Dictator. Also notable is the beautiful world maps they create and let us subsequently destroy. I especially enjoyed the music in this game, set in Cuba. The Island scenery is lush and beautiful with active day night cycles and weather effects and lots of different local wildlife

I spent about 60 hours on the Main story and doing other side activities. I’m close to a Platinum trophy on PS5 and will probably go ahead and get it. Only a few super grindy requirements to get the Platinum, otherwise most of them can be gained simply by being thorough and playing the game normally. For for strenuous “collect all of …” trophies I will use YouTube sometimes, no shame. I just don’t have time in my life to search every little location on a map and so I miss some of the more random collectibles on my own.

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The pacing of the game isn’t bad there are some parts that kinda drag. The mission structure is tried and true and sometimes a bit repetitive. I like mixing up my weapons and I alternate between stealthy and Rambo play styles to mix it up a bit in combat. In Far Cry games you can pretty much be way overpowered very quickly in the story. It’s up to the player to use the different mechanics and weapons to keep things fresh. It feels great clearing out a whole enemy base without alerting a single guard, however, If you go in with a silenced pistol every time and don’t spice up the action things will get stale quick. Use the companions, and gadgets, and sometimes let the guard hit that Alarm to call in reinforcements. The game is an absolute playground of destruction!

The progression system is kinda flat in my honest opinion. The game starts you off with a full tool box and kinda lets you create your own action. You can equip silencers and armor piercing ammo almost from the very start of the game in your first couple upgrades. And you can customize and fully kit out every single weapon except for special named weapons which come with predetermined perks and buffs. Once you get the (very basic) stealth mechanics you are pretty much A one man super Army. The stealth is satisfying and super useful to get through areas easily but sometimes there is more fun to be had in going in guns blazing. The star of Far Cry games (other than the characters and world) is the guns and gun play. FC6 doesn’t disappoint in the slightest. The guns look and feel amazing. They sound good and feel powerful when fully upgraded.

Player stats and perks and special abilities are gained by switching to different types of armor. There are 5 kinds in a “set” each set of armor together helps with a certain defense or skill set. For instance, The hazmat set helps against poison and gives you boosts against poisoned enemies. The “Fuego” armor set gives you defense and buffs against/with fire and explosions. Parkour Armor set helps you move around faster and quieter, etc, etc. There are a ton of different sets and you can mix and match the 5 different pieces of gear; head, torso, hands, legs, and shoes for basically customizing a play style or load out type. My one gripe is that you have to open the menu every time you want to switch gear or guns or any other equipment. Some sort of quick swap, at least for armor and worn gear, would have been super nice and require less time in the menus.

One of the newer features of combat is this multi-function backpack Called a “Supremo”. It can do things like shoot missiles, create EMP blasts to disable machinery, or other cool abilities. This back pack is how you equip “Gadgets” such as grenades, health kits, and C4. Each one can be customized for a different load out and you can switch between them on the fly during combat. I will admit I underused this ability in battle mainly because I was having fun and forgot about it. Honestly the powers are nothing super amazing. They are fun to use but not a game changer usually. Just another tool in your arsenal that helps you destroy or take down enemies.

The graphics are top tier, and on the ps5 the game ran perfectly and I had no issues with freezes or other major glitches. Occasional in game glitches but they are just kinda funny and not terribly inconvenient. The game ran smoothly for me over the course of 60+ hours. The enemy AI is decent when you are engaged, but pretty basic if you are playing stealth. It’s not the hardest game and is fairly liberal with health and player durability.

Far Cry 6 PC review: familiar messy fun | Rock Paper Shotgun
Gorgeous scenery and world.

Overall I highly recommend Far Cry 6 if you like shooter games in general. This is a top notch shooter! Great open world, entertaining characters and a Good story. Nothing revolutionary (pun intended) but a solid video game worth a play through, and not to miss if you already enjoy the Far Cry formula of games. As always, thank you for reading and I hope this was informative without spoiling anything.

Video Game Review – Ghost of Tsushima

By far one of my favorite games of 2020 for sure and winner of several “best of” awards throughout the gaming industry. The style and authentic feeling story was a joy to behold and the tight sword play stay entertaining throughout. The story follows Jin Sakai through what amounts to a classic tale of revenge and family drama. It is an open world master piece that is made by a lesser known studio called Sucker Punch. What they did with the subject material and the visual aesthetic is simply brilliant.

Long story short, I devoured this game. I have always connected deeply with the ancient far east culture. I took a traditional form of martial arts as a kid and I got a lot out of it. I have taken the teachings of my karate training and fascination with the Japanese culture with me throughout my life. Not that this has any to do with the game but I connected deeply with the feel and vision of the game. This game let me live out my fantasies of being a samurai warrior. I don’t know why this time and setting is usually skipped in modern gaming unless it’s strategy games or the Dynasty Warriors series. There was Tenchu Stealth Assassins back in the day.. and Bushido Blade.. we’re talking old school PlayStation 1 here. like 1995. There may be some other great samurai subject games out there but those are some of the ones that come to mind and they aren’t even necessarily “Samurai” games like Ghost of Tsushima stake out to be. This game is literally a Japanese Samurai / Samurai movie simulator.

The main character is Jin Sakai. He is an honorable samurai from a noble clan who is forced to do less than honorable things to keep his homeland and his people safe. The games art style is where it really shines. This game is absolutely beautiful and it really shines in the aesthetic department. Sucker Punch used super rich contrast and color pallets so all of the scenes look like they could be a painting or out of a graphics demo. I am playing on the OG PS4 which at this point is like a 7 year old system but i was surprised how the massive world and depth of colors played well together. The game ran smoothly and loading screens were fairly short from what you would expect from a game of this sheer size.

Everything about the game was superbly Samurai. While I don’t know how historically accurate or true some of the conflict is, I did enjoy the various romps through the world and the side characters you meet tell interesting mini stories within the main narrative. I spent easily over a hundred hours in the game and I completed pretty much everything I am fairly close to a Platinum trophy.

The game has some repetitive elements toward the end stretch. If you are seeking trophies or achievements you will be doing the same things over and over. Luckily this game is absolutely beautiful so going to random locations and the far ends of the map are fairly entertaining in their own right. This is pretty standard in many large and long open world type games. There is always the first part where you feel overwhelmed and then you get side tracked from the main story and over level yourself then once you are bored of all of that you are like, “oh yeah there is still a whole main story arch to finish” That’s more or less what happened with me and this game. Some of the larger games of recent memory (coughs AC Odyssey coughs) have definitely dragged on. Like they could have been 20 less hours and still been phenomenal games.

Ghost of Tsushima drags a little bit for sure but it’s not as bad as some of the other games out there. It’s definitely worth seeing to it’s conclusion though. there are some memorable parts at least for me there were.

Once you beat the game, sucker punch released a free update that let’s you team up with other human players and fight gauntlets of demons. The art style is a bit different and the expansion kinda delves into the myths and demons of Japanese culture. At least it seemed like it to me. The art definitely looked darker. I haven’t played the expansion except for a couple of matches but I plan to once I get back into the game to get that Platinum trophy.

Overall this game is excellent and worthy of your money and time if yo like the open world style of game. It doesn’t do anything super new in terms of innovation on the formula but what they do with the world and the colors and the stories is absolutely superb. Not to mention a full multiplayer mode added on after the fact, Ghost of Tsushima is a no brainer and a must play if you enjoy anything Samurai or ancient Japan.

For the Sake of Writing – An update and shameless self promotion

It’s been a couple months..  Unity Sound Co is in full function this year and business is already going pretty well.  I am super happy with the support and business I have gotten already while gigs and rentals keep on stacking up.  I am practicing my DJing and building a persona for myself with a logo and the whole story-bio thing.  I am stoked and I want to play some music again.  I know how to use all of the equipment the business owns, why not enjoy some of it.  All work and no play makes me crabby.  Haha

I have been working on various novel projects as well in my spare time, writings that I may or may not put on here eventually.  I don’t know.. not very confident with them yet.

Let’s see… I got a new smart phone I went back to the best phone on the planet, the Iphone SE.  It’s the shit, it’s not a huge tablet phone, it is a nice, sleek, and powerful device with a great camera.  It has the old Iphone 5 body so it is nice and small.  I don’t need some big ass screen in my pocket to keep me distracted and oblivious..  Yep..  I still don’t have the fakebook app on the phone, and I still use my computer for a lot of my social media usage.  I have been keeping it mostly as a tool for communication and networking.

I finally got the physical copy of my Business degree!  Stoked to actually have all my hard work in some kind of physical form.

For the most part everyone in the music scene is doing good things.  Lots of great music coming through even if I won’t be able to enjoy most of it.  I have to save for a place to live, you see, and I am tired of renting so I am going hard on the big purchase, the ultimate commitment, a house.  Holy shit all kinds of adulting going on this year.

Yeah that is pretty much it, still disgusted with the current state of political shit show and how backward our world has become..  It’s like the worst parts of great sci-fi novels.  We live in it today..

Regardless it’s important to try to find the beauty in things.  No matter how shitty the world around seems, if you lose the phone and ditch the computer screen and look around, you will see beautiful people doing beautiful things.  It’s more of a challenge to be positive but I have always liked to push myself to a degree.  Stay friendly toward each other even as the world and our tempers heat up.   We need solidarity if we are to become a good honest nation again.

All this boils down to why I started my business and why I like to be a sound man.  Throughout my 31 years of life some of the best times of it involved music and pleasant noises.  I named my business Unity Sound Co because we need unity in the world.  I have seen different crews come together and make magic happen, I’ve seen all kinds of different people working together to make amazing events that people will remember for the rest of their lives.  I am honored to carry the torch and help provide something that we all love so much.  Music.

I hope my business can support me fully but I am thankful to have other ventures for if it does not.  The overall aim is to be pure and fair but to make money because I know my worth.  I am not ashamed of being a successful business man.  I’m very proud of it in fact.  Many businesses fail because they sell themselves short and don’t know their own worth.  I don’t want to be one of those businesses.

If you would like to be part of things and enjoy all of the great music that the business will be a part of, please follow on facebook , @Unity Sound Co.  Also follow us on Instagram for pictures and flyers of upcoming events @unitysoundco.  Lastly please visit and check the website, , often for the event calendar and info on upcoming events that have been confirmed.

Much love! Thank you, as always, for taking the time to read my blog and if you would please follow and share my business and events.  This means the world to me, otherwise I hope to see you soon at one of Unity Sound Co’s events!



Time to log out! – an observational opinion.

I notice, these days, that I get super flustered over the dumbest shit in the world.  I feel stressed just scrolling down and reading all of the bullshit I see.  I call people out over their own bull shit and I am overly sensitive.  I could even call myself a troll.  I like to debate with people about things I know nothing about while putting up an image that I actually care about what we are even debating.  I shit post and I am overly rude and cynical.  I like to get a rise out of people.  I will even call myself a bully sometimes.

The catch is… I only do this shit online.

I hate social media with a passion and I am painfully addicted to it.  Fuck,  you can’t feel connected or get invited to shit without it because people don’t just call each other anymore.  Word of mouth is almost a thing of the past and online social networking has become the solid norm.  I feel it is degrading our abilities to communicate and otherwise interact in person.

I’m lucky..  I was born in 1986..  I like to say that a couple years make a big difference…  I remember playing outside with other kids and otherwise socializing and living unconnected from any network or online gadget.  It was just the norm.  I played video games a lot but even then my Mother would make us go outside and play or take us for some outdoor activity.  this was the early 1990s.

I remember computers in schools being these big blocky things that were down in an underground “computer lab” where this geeky guy named Jeff was all stoked that he had networked our elementary school so everyone could get a fuckin email at the same time!!!  Back then that was a big deal.  He would take the classes down there and it was hot as hell and all the screens were super old black and white Macintosh computers but he would let us play little games and show us how to send emails and open up word documents.  Super Basic.

My middle school all the kids were getting mobile phones.  I was late in getting a cell phone of any kind and used the landline till I was like 15 or 16, where most kids had them for several years already…  By the time I had one I already felt behind the game in many ways.  I noticed over 10 years ago how people were hopelessly addicted to their phones.  The phones themselves quickly gained new features that allowed people to communicate faster, albeit more informally, with small chunks of text typing that is now the solid way that most people communicate.

Now our modern phones are literally small computers complete with state of the art resolution, color, cameras, and sound capabilities.  Not to mention that nearly all phones have the ability to connect to the internet so gone is the days of having to reference books or look up stuff in data bases or spend time in libraries.  Now literally anyone with a “smartphone” can look up, watch, listen, download, or purchase literally anything in the known world with the touch of a button.  This has created a sense of misplaced urgency and stress that overall, I believe, is damaging the fundamentals of patience, self worth, work ethic, and overall human character.

Overall with the fast, edited, and impersonal communication you get a breed of people on the internet who know that they can now say anything to anyone at anytime, no matter how vile or hateful it may be.  The thing is they can do it under the guise of anonymity.  Their actions never get proper consequences.  Nobody ever sees them but now in the world you have a whole sub culture of people who cannot let people be proud of anything, who spoil new media, who critique EVERYTHING, and who ultimately proliferate a sense that people are vile and horrible overall.


If you want to ever desire to read some of the worst of the worst of human communication.  Go to any honorable or even half way credible news or blog page and read the comments.  !! CAUTION !!  This may potentially upset you at the sheer stupidity of some people.  Comments may potentially disgust you with the sheer amount of small minded, childish, ignorance contained within them.

For real though the “comments section” of most online social media are literally the spaces between the cracks in society where only the most demented, lonely, sad, racist, scared, dissatisfied, or angry people in the world ever show their true faces.  It’s sad that most of the internet has devolved into a shit show of trolling and baseless bullshit articles.

One of the most aggravating things in the current social political climate is that people willfully ignore stated facts that are reliable and approved on many spectrums.  It’s almost like in the year 2017 you have this battle against factual information.  There are whole groups of people who read stuff (or don’t) and just kind of make up their minds about the way it is, or should be.  Then they stubbornly stick to it even in the face of sheer disaster and failure.  This isn’t a political post but for fuck sake our current president of the united states and the 34% of Americans that still support him have blatantly ignored factual information and instead pander to strait lies bordering on propaganda.  This creates a huge paradox in the United States today where the division is further multiplied by stupid people within both sides of the argument who create even more division with their often ill informed stances and ideas.  And the overall lack of accountability..  different day different post.

What I noticed when I log out and turn shit off.

Alas there is hope.

I spent anywhere up to 4 hours a day on my phone looking at social media.  Sitting there..  scrolling with no purpose or reason.  I scroll so much on some sites that I start to see bullshit that I saw 3 days ago.  I get mad at the stupidity of the general public when debating pointless ideas.  I realized my motivation and enthusiasm in real life was slacking.

So I made the conscious choice to log the fuck out.  Simple.  I logged out of my social media accounts on my phones and computer.  I deleted the apps off of my phone altogether.  What I found was pretty fucking cool.  It took a week or two to not even attempt to open the stupid websites.  I would pick up my phone or open my computer and open the website and start to put in the login information and have to tell myself out loud ” get off this garbage ”  and close whatever device it was.  It was seriously like an addiction, a fierce habit that I had to break.  It took serious time and effort..

Once I was more or less over the urge to always be checking on my status, I realized I was way more productive in the daytime.  I had more energy and I started eating a bit better because I was up and moving instead of sitting in one positition staring at a screen.  My mood improved because I wasn’t constantly surrounding myself with garbage media and stupid comments.  My motivation for music and hobbies came back and I curretnly have a bunch of projects in the work.  Overall I noticed a super positive difference when I logged in to life instead of anti social medias and stupid news.  My stress levels overall went down day by day and I feel I enjoy social events more when I don’t think, right off the bat, that every conversation I have is going to be with some troll.

Bottom line in real life People are pretty cool, we have a lot in common with our fellow man, no matter what race or color or background.  We all fundamentally want the same things in this life.  The wants of the individual may be extremely different, but the core needs of any human is not that different from the next.  Food, water, shelter, security for the family, and a good place to grow up for the kids.  Those things are universal among any “good” person.  Despite our various life situations and circumstances, we all really want and need a lot of the same things. It’s pretty easy to have conversations in real life and usually all it takes is a smile and a simple “Hello”  or “good afternoon”.

I still battle everyday with social media.  I own a business so ultimately I have to have an online persona and way to communicate with people.  So I am hopelessly stuck to it if i want to network and succeed.  However I have taken a next step to communicate better and live in real life more.  I have officially down graded my phone to a normal basic flip phone with no apps or social media.  Just talk, text, and basic data.  I will document the quality of my life without a smartphone and see if anything changes.

Well the main gist of this post is to possibly try to log out of stuff.  Turn off the little screens.  If even for a day or two.  See if anything changes?  Do what you want and makes you feel comfortable.  I know I function better and have less stress when I try to stay clear of social media and internet.  I feel a lot of people would agree if they were to try it for themselves.

As always thanks for reading!  feel free to comment below.



What can I do? – Ways to stick it to the man while living a better and healthier life

I’ve read tons of other blogs and other articles calling on people to do their part to resist the current administration or more generally the “establishment”.  While I do generally love this current establishment (Non political, my home country the USA) there is much to be desired as well.  We live in a country that more or less gives us right to free speech and an opportunity to seek out our own living based on our acquired skills and experiences..  Please, spare us, I’m not saying that everything is perfect, in fact far from it but I am trying to look at the positive.  I observe many people asking what they can do to help, or ways they can make a difference?  Lately I have seen an abundance of articles of ways to do just that.  This is one of em.

Let’s face it, we live in a world dominated by finance, credit, inflating prices, and stagnant wages.  As I have learned pursuing a degree in Business Administration, The USA does have a systematic strata that is set up against the poor, lower, and middle class.  This can be taken as my  opinion but you can read about that yourself.. It takes massive amounts of money to start and fund businesses on the level required to be sufficient  in the fast paced, technology based world.  No matter what it always seems like they want money when you don’t have any, with ridiculous fees charged when there isn’t enough to pay the bills in the first place, as well as insane taxes on profits for small business owners.  We also have college students who are unable to get good jobs and struggling to pay off loans that were required just to get through school..  won’t even bring up the medical cluster fuck..  The list of ways to stay broke ever increases whereas ways to make a decent living are drastically disappearing.

It does seem hopeless when you pit yourself against “the system” or “the establishment”..  So don’t do it..  There are healthy ways you can join millions of other dissatisfied citizens to subtly fight the good fight without spending your extra stress and energy.  With diligence, patience, and motivation you may even be able to make yourself a little extra money on the side.  Following is a small list of several things that you can do to take your mind off of the ever stressful world, while giving a little back and ultimately sticking it to the man where it really hurts them…  their revenues.  $$$

First off!  Buy Local!! 

You gotta start small.  These are all things that are habits that you have to teach yourself and be diligent with.  They aren’t revolutionary new tactics or strange thought processes.  Yes it may be a little bit more expensive but the overall act of buying local is a healthy one.  That money goes right back to your community, and helps a local family(s) support themselves.  This simple habit directly takes millions out of the hands of big retail corporations when practiced on a large scale.

Food manufacturers spend billions on advertising to manipulate people into buying junk food.  The simple act of eating healthy, and more locally, is actually sticking it to the man more than you would know.  This goes hand in hand with buying local,  you can get pretty much anything you would get at the grocery store, at local farmers markets.  It takes a little more effort and yes it may be more expensive but being active to pursue a better world requires action, yeah?  You know when buying your food from farmers markets that you are getting some of the best local produce available.  Seasonally you can find discounts on certain produce as it come in and out of season.  And if you like to eat out, which I do, why not smart phone up the best mom and pop local restaurants?  You may find a new favorite place to eat and you are putting money back into families in your community.  Again this directly takes massive amounts of money money out of the big food corporations bottom line, and puts it directly back into your own community.

Second.  Live a healthier more active lifestyle.

Big Pharmaceutical companies are sneaky.  This sector makes massive amounts of money effectively by keeping people sick, stressed, disabled, and addicted.  Their marketing is genius in that it’s coming up with things to make people think they have something wrong with them and hey!! X company has some pill to make you feel better.  This is compounded and made more successful because Americans are advertised and eat shitty food, are unhealthy in general, super stressed out, and addicted to random weird shit.  I know I am, but being raised by medical professionals I learned to take care of and listen to my body.

Every single person is different and it’s not fair for me to generalize healthcare in the United States………….  but it’s pretty shitty.  Way over priced and my families past several experiences were marred with basically what amounts to customer service problems.  All they want to do is push some drugs on you somehow, sign you up for some chemical treatment, or resort to surgery.  All these options are wildly expensive and don’t leave the patient with many options.

If you are an unhealthy person and actually need help, get it, don’t let my post deter you from getting the treatment that works best for you.  Let us know in the comments.  I encourage everyone to explore herbal and holistic treatments as well as a healthy lifestyle as a first way to combat the big pharma corporations.

There are options.  It is difficult and it does require change in the way you eat, think, sleep, and work.  Eating better is the simplest thing you can do that many people take for granted.  I learned personally when i was around 27 years old that I can’t eat fast food like I used too.  It just didn’t make me feel good anymore.  If you are stressed out or need help focusing try meditating or reading about how to recenter yourself and take hold of emotions.  Sleeping is required, it’s super good for you and insomnia is NOT A COOL OR TRENDY THING..  Feeling yourself and how your body reacts to the things you put into it is very important.  Being healthy invalidates the big pharmaceutical industry, and effectively takes money out of their earnings. Fuck expensive pills and treatments, try being healthy first.

Third.  Growing your own vegetables and fruit.

What better way to combine all of the previously mentioned methods of consumer disobedience into one single act.  Growing vegetables, fruits, herbs, and spices is arguably the best way to stick it right to every man imaginable.

Having a garden is incredibly relaxing and teaches us how to nurture things.  The art of growing anything is a crucial life skill, often taken for granted, and teaches patience.  Ultimately a good hobby and habit of gardening of any kind will accomplish all of the above methods of resisting the big money corporations.  You will eat healthier overall and be more aware of what you are putting into your body.  Gardens give a calming new hobby that will help lower stress and hopefully be productive with healthy consumables you can enjoy most of the year round, which will save little bits of money.  Lastly if you have the space and time you may consider growing extra and then selling produce at the local farmers markets, making yourself a small profit for your new hobby.

You can grow small herb and vegetable gardens right on a window sill or small raised beds in the front yard.  Many varieties of edible plants are grown in pots or containers as well, it just takes a little bit of effort and will to do.   It doesn’t have to be huge or super productive even just the act of gardening is a wholesome one that is great for kids and adults alike.

All of the above methods are simply suggestions of things you can do to help give back to your community overall, as well as live a little happier and healthier.  There are many more ways to resist and do your part for a more equal world but All of these habits and actions have a proven effect on the revenues of mega corporations who have for decades taken advantage of workers and their labor.

In the end, we may never see the effects of the changes our single actions make, however if millions of individuals regularly partake in even the smallest ways, it adds up to billions and billions of dollars in lost revenues for the big companies that don’t serve the broader populace.  Big corporations have been taking advantage of our economy and livelihood for decades and it feels to me like a shift is happening.  You can start and be as active or passive as you want but the fact that you have read this far means you obviously care about our socio political world.

I am a big consumer as well, it’s in our culture.  But we as consumers ultimately have the power, Americans have forgotten this.  The very dollar that enslaves us is also what the big businesses of the world use as their bottom line for a measure of success.  Our dollar and time is what validates them and ultimately makes them worth anything.  We have the power, we earn more of it everyday, it’s up to us to use it.