Poetry – Let your mind wander

When I sit here awake and so close to sleep,  My mind starts to wander…   Who am I really?  What am I doing here?  You know…  The usual life to ponder.

Hits from glass and smoke so smooth, feelings be numbed, nervous and stress does it soothe.  Into thin wisps the smoke then curls, as I fell into sleep, the world twists and twirls.

A heavy head rests on hands, as I venture through mountains, cross mighty oceans, and dunes of emerald sands.  Every love ever lost, Epic Stories never told, So real you can feel the pain of the frost, or the warmth of the fires gold.

In this space I jump and leap, As well, in this place I solemnly weep, For I know this beauty I cannot keep, because it lies to me, this visage of sleep.

The slightest shift, a head starts to turn, abruptly awakened, through un blinded windows sun does burn.  Immediately saddened, why couldn’t it last, a pen and empty pages, why does sleep happen so fast?

Now I sit here awake and so far from sleep, get up and face your day yonder…  know that that place is inside of you, as long as you let your mind wander..