My 2018 in review! Moving onward and upward! & Some goals and ideas!

I learned a lot in 2018 but I think the most important thing I learned, once again, was to NEVER READ THE COMMENTS. I’m partially joking but that is one of many things that I reminded myself of countless times over the past year. Don’t read the comments, say what you have to say, watch what you want to watch, and like what you want to like. Don’t let the dregs of the online population get you down or critique your favorite things to death. Remember to enjoy your time doing things because you enjoy it, not because someone tells you that they think you should or shouldn’t. Form your own opinions and think critically for yourself.

I had a bad habit of reading too far into things that I like or consume, whether it be media, food, or even certain industries. I realize I over critique a lot of things to the point that I don’t ever experience them for myself, more or less I only experience things through this lens of critical analysis.

I am hopefully stopping this in the coming year. Don’t get me wrong i like to read and do some research on things but concentrating on others reviews or comments about a certain thing can be damaging.. You gotta think someone is more likely to comment on something if something was wrong or if they were unsatisfied.. Unless presented with an option someone who is satisfied or content will PROBABLY NOT go out of their way to make a post or review saying “I like it, I’m satisfied”. The comment sections and review sections are usually more or less for trolls or people who have negative things to say. While it is good to review certain things so you don’t make shit purchases, it’s easy enough to look at the overall numbers of people who gave it a good rating VS people who gave it a bad one.

Bad time to be a gamer..

Since 2016 I have felt that as a solid video game player I have been getting more and more screwed over. Lately it has been a trend in all gaming industries to do micro-transactions. However they rely on these MTs (micro-transactions) to generate revenue so they can add more content and development to the games. There has been severe push back on the topic of MTs, gamers in general don’t care for them.

Now they do this Games as a service model that effectively releases partially finished games at full price and then updates them regularly and adds content to the entire player base instead of just charging extra for the guarantee of full content packs. They rely on a strong player base to be buying those MTs which are usually customization’s that have no real game value, they don’t effect statistics or characters actions at all they are purely cosmetic.. Most gamers can agree that this is pretty harmless and one doesn’t have to purchase them in order to enjoy the game in any sense. However the release of sub par and unfinished games is a sad conundrum that I don’t see getting better as game companies get greedier and the prices to produce games gets ever higher.

I would almost prefer if they were real with their customers and say look Games just cost 80 dollars anymore.. Sorry it’s the price of production and whatever else but now it feels like they are charging full price and not delivering even half of what would be considered a full video game, even 5 years ago.

I am a customer who likes to support the game developers and artists, but when I am repeatedly suckered into paying full if not extra price only to have to deal with bugs, glitches, and price drops less than a month after release.. Countless times it has happened where less than 40 days after I pay 80 dollars for a game I see it online for only 30 or 40 dollars. That is ridiculous. It’s like they are punishing the players who pay the most amount of money. Needless to say I finally learned my lesson. I won’t be buying any more games on launch and especially paying extra for pre-order crap. It’s simply not worth my money and the games end up not even being fun to play for another 6 months to a year after they are released by that time they are a fraction of the price, yet more enjoyable.. How does that work.

I love video games and I will always play them and enjoy them but I’m learning that this is considered normal in the industry now and it probably won’t change just get more effective over the years.. I’ve always said if they do away with the physical media I will probably not play as many video games anymore.. I don’t like the always on model and streaming games idea. Let me have my collections and share them with my friends if I want to.

Looking forward to 2019.

All in all 2018 was a great year. I did a ton of business and made a lot of great connections. I have some ideas and things that I want to do in 2019 and one of them is go back to school. I plan to attend CNM again this coming summer and start my degree in communications. I want to be a writer or game journalist of some kind. Even if it doesn’t have anything to do with video games I want to do some kind of writing either creative or professional. I will pursue business but I will do that in my own capacity with Unity Sound Co and other ventures.

I am also practicing and want to learn proficiency in the Spanish language. I think it’s important to be able to speak the languages of your neighboring countries, for both business and security. Being an interpreter is a well paying job that I would actually get some enjoyment out of and the communication degree as a whole will let me practice what i do for fun anyways; reading, writing, and creating.

As for Unity Sound Co, I like where I am at with it. I can increase business the more I go out and network, and a steady stream of people organically hit me up on the regular for small events and shows. I need to put my foot down with my pricing this year. I helped a lot of people out, even last minute sometimes, and never got compensated. Only I can ensure I get good business. I also need to keep better track of my accounting. That just makes it a lot easier when I go to file my taxes and do end of the year paperwork.

I want to do a couple of party in the park styled events and this time I would like to have some more vendors and artists. Maybe invite a little bit of color into the spectrum. I’m not looking to make a lot for that part of my shows, more to let the artists have an opportunity to make some money.

Overall I am looking forward to 2019.. I’m through pre-ordering games.. I am done reading comment sections and critiques.. I’m ridding myself of toxic politics.. I am going back to school and running my business well and making it as good as I can. I know nobody cares haha.. feel free to comment and tell me what you are up to in the coming year.

As always thank you for reading!

For the Sake of Writing – An update and shameless self promotion

It’s been a couple months..  Unity Sound Co is in full function this year and business is already going pretty well.  I am super happy with the support and business I have gotten already while gigs and rentals keep on stacking up.  I am practicing my DJing and building a persona for myself with a logo and the whole story-bio thing.  I am stoked and I want to play some music again.  I know how to use all of the equipment the business owns, why not enjoy some of it.  All work and no play makes me crabby.  Haha

I have been working on various novel projects as well in my spare time, writings that I may or may not put on here eventually.  I don’t know.. not very confident with them yet.

Let’s see… I got a new smart phone I went back to the best phone on the planet, the Iphone SE.  It’s the shit, it’s not a huge tablet phone, it is a nice, sleek, and powerful device with a great camera.  It has the old Iphone 5 body so it is nice and small.  I don’t need some big ass screen in my pocket to keep me distracted and oblivious..  Yep..  I still don’t have the fakebook app on the phone, and I still use my computer for a lot of my social media usage.  I have been keeping it mostly as a tool for communication and networking.

I finally got the physical copy of my Business degree!  Stoked to actually have all my hard work in some kind of physical form.

For the most part everyone in the music scene is doing good things.  Lots of great music coming through even if I won’t be able to enjoy most of it.  I have to save for a place to live, you see, and I am tired of renting so I am going hard on the big purchase, the ultimate commitment, a house.  Holy shit all kinds of adulting going on this year.

Yeah that is pretty much it, still disgusted with the current state of political shit show and how backward our world has become..  It’s like the worst parts of great sci-fi novels.  We live in it today..

Regardless it’s important to try to find the beauty in things.  No matter how shitty the world around seems, if you lose the phone and ditch the computer screen and look around, you will see beautiful people doing beautiful things.  It’s more of a challenge to be positive but I have always liked to push myself to a degree.  Stay friendly toward each other even as the world and our tempers heat up.   We need solidarity if we are to become a good honest nation again.

All this boils down to why I started my business and why I like to be a sound man.  Throughout my 31 years of life some of the best times of it involved music and pleasant noises.  I named my business Unity Sound Co because we need unity in the world.  I have seen different crews come together and make magic happen, I’ve seen all kinds of different people working together to make amazing events that people will remember for the rest of their lives.  I am honored to carry the torch and help provide something that we all love so much.  Music.

I hope my business can support me fully but I am thankful to have other ventures for if it does not.  The overall aim is to be pure and fair but to make money because I know my worth.  I am not ashamed of being a successful business man.  I’m very proud of it in fact.  Many businesses fail because they sell themselves short and don’t know their own worth.  I don’t want to be one of those businesses.

If you would like to be part of things and enjoy all of the great music that the business will be a part of, please follow on facebook , @Unity Sound Co.  Also follow us on Instagram for pictures and flyers of upcoming events @unitysoundco.  Lastly please visit and check the website, , often for the event calendar and info on upcoming events that have been confirmed.

Much love! Thank you, as always, for taking the time to read my blog and if you would please follow and share my business and events.  This means the world to me, otherwise I hope to see you soon at one of Unity Sound Co’s events!



What can I do? – Ways to stick it to the man while living a better and healthier life

I’ve read tons of other blogs and other articles calling on people to do their part to resist the current administration or more generally the “establishment”.  While I do generally love this current establishment (Non political, my home country the USA) there is much to be desired as well.  We live in a country that more or less gives us right to free speech and an opportunity to seek out our own living based on our acquired skills and experiences..  Please, spare us, I’m not saying that everything is perfect, in fact far from it but I am trying to look at the positive.  I observe many people asking what they can do to help, or ways they can make a difference?  Lately I have seen an abundance of articles of ways to do just that.  This is one of em.

Let’s face it, we live in a world dominated by finance, credit, inflating prices, and stagnant wages.  As I have learned pursuing a degree in Business Administration, The USA does have a systematic strata that is set up against the poor, lower, and middle class.  This can be taken as my  opinion but you can read about that yourself.. It takes massive amounts of money to start and fund businesses on the level required to be sufficient  in the fast paced, technology based world.  No matter what it always seems like they want money when you don’t have any, with ridiculous fees charged when there isn’t enough to pay the bills in the first place, as well as insane taxes on profits for small business owners.  We also have college students who are unable to get good jobs and struggling to pay off loans that were required just to get through school..  won’t even bring up the medical cluster fuck..  The list of ways to stay broke ever increases whereas ways to make a decent living are drastically disappearing.

It does seem hopeless when you pit yourself against “the system” or “the establishment”..  So don’t do it..  There are healthy ways you can join millions of other dissatisfied citizens to subtly fight the good fight without spending your extra stress and energy.  With diligence, patience, and motivation you may even be able to make yourself a little extra money on the side.  Following is a small list of several things that you can do to take your mind off of the ever stressful world, while giving a little back and ultimately sticking it to the man where it really hurts them…  their revenues.  $$$

First off!  Buy Local!! 

You gotta start small.  These are all things that are habits that you have to teach yourself and be diligent with.  They aren’t revolutionary new tactics or strange thought processes.  Yes it may be a little bit more expensive but the overall act of buying local is a healthy one.  That money goes right back to your community, and helps a local family(s) support themselves.  This simple habit directly takes millions out of the hands of big retail corporations when practiced on a large scale.

Food manufacturers spend billions on advertising to manipulate people into buying junk food.  The simple act of eating healthy, and more locally, is actually sticking it to the man more than you would know.  This goes hand in hand with buying local,  you can get pretty much anything you would get at the grocery store, at local farmers markets.  It takes a little more effort and yes it may be more expensive but being active to pursue a better world requires action, yeah?  You know when buying your food from farmers markets that you are getting some of the best local produce available.  Seasonally you can find discounts on certain produce as it come in and out of season.  And if you like to eat out, which I do, why not smart phone up the best mom and pop local restaurants?  You may find a new favorite place to eat and you are putting money back into families in your community.  Again this directly takes massive amounts of money money out of the big food corporations bottom line, and puts it directly back into your own community.

Second.  Live a healthier more active lifestyle.

Big Pharmaceutical companies are sneaky.  This sector makes massive amounts of money effectively by keeping people sick, stressed, disabled, and addicted.  Their marketing is genius in that it’s coming up with things to make people think they have something wrong with them and hey!! X company has some pill to make you feel better.  This is compounded and made more successful because Americans are advertised and eat shitty food, are unhealthy in general, super stressed out, and addicted to random weird shit.  I know I am, but being raised by medical professionals I learned to take care of and listen to my body.

Every single person is different and it’s not fair for me to generalize healthcare in the United States………….  but it’s pretty shitty.  Way over priced and my families past several experiences were marred with basically what amounts to customer service problems.  All they want to do is push some drugs on you somehow, sign you up for some chemical treatment, or resort to surgery.  All these options are wildly expensive and don’t leave the patient with many options.

If you are an unhealthy person and actually need help, get it, don’t let my post deter you from getting the treatment that works best for you.  Let us know in the comments.  I encourage everyone to explore herbal and holistic treatments as well as a healthy lifestyle as a first way to combat the big pharma corporations.

There are options.  It is difficult and it does require change in the way you eat, think, sleep, and work.  Eating better is the simplest thing you can do that many people take for granted.  I learned personally when i was around 27 years old that I can’t eat fast food like I used too.  It just didn’t make me feel good anymore.  If you are stressed out or need help focusing try meditating or reading about how to recenter yourself and take hold of emotions.  Sleeping is required, it’s super good for you and insomnia is NOT A COOL OR TRENDY THING..  Feeling yourself and how your body reacts to the things you put into it is very important.  Being healthy invalidates the big pharmaceutical industry, and effectively takes money out of their earnings. Fuck expensive pills and treatments, try being healthy first.

Third.  Growing your own vegetables and fruit.

What better way to combine all of the previously mentioned methods of consumer disobedience into one single act.  Growing vegetables, fruits, herbs, and spices is arguably the best way to stick it right to every man imaginable.

Having a garden is incredibly relaxing and teaches us how to nurture things.  The art of growing anything is a crucial life skill, often taken for granted, and teaches patience.  Ultimately a good hobby and habit of gardening of any kind will accomplish all of the above methods of resisting the big money corporations.  You will eat healthier overall and be more aware of what you are putting into your body.  Gardens give a calming new hobby that will help lower stress and hopefully be productive with healthy consumables you can enjoy most of the year round, which will save little bits of money.  Lastly if you have the space and time you may consider growing extra and then selling produce at the local farmers markets, making yourself a small profit for your new hobby.

You can grow small herb and vegetable gardens right on a window sill or small raised beds in the front yard.  Many varieties of edible plants are grown in pots or containers as well, it just takes a little bit of effort and will to do.   It doesn’t have to be huge or super productive even just the act of gardening is a wholesome one that is great for kids and adults alike.

All of the above methods are simply suggestions of things you can do to help give back to your community overall, as well as live a little happier and healthier.  There are many more ways to resist and do your part for a more equal world but All of these habits and actions have a proven effect on the revenues of mega corporations who have for decades taken advantage of workers and their labor.

In the end, we may never see the effects of the changes our single actions make, however if millions of individuals regularly partake in even the smallest ways, it adds up to billions and billions of dollars in lost revenues for the big companies that don’t serve the broader populace.  Big corporations have been taking advantage of our economy and livelihood for decades and it feels to me like a shift is happening.  You can start and be as active or passive as you want but the fact that you have read this far means you obviously care about our socio political world.

I am a big consumer as well, it’s in our culture.  But we as consumers ultimately have the power, Americans have forgotten this.  The very dollar that enslaves us is also what the big businesses of the world use as their bottom line for a measure of success.  Our dollar and time is what validates them and ultimately makes them worth anything.  We have the power, we earn more of it everyday, it’s up to us to use it.