It’s 2021, we are entering Post-pandemic life, half the year is over already, and we have a new President – so whats new?

We have a new president! I think the world is Genuinely stoked about that. The USA not so much.. Hopefully the US can begin to heal, however opinions are more important than facts it seems these days. Orange man baby is still running his mouth from the corner and he still has a chunk of the USA under his lying corrupt thumb. I don’t get it.. Well, I do to a degree.. our country is strait gullible, ignorant, and ultimately racist. A large part of our voting populace will believe anything they are fed online or on the TV. Many if not all of our high offices and institutions are plagued by white supremacy and institutionalized racism. We are more aware than ever before thankfully. I keep saying that 2020 was the year of perfect vision. It may not have been what we wanted to see but it is what we have to and were meant to see. We were shown that our society is a big facade, our healthcare sucks, our governments response to a pandemic is Shoddy at best and serves only to make corporations more money, and all the while our policing institutions have been blatantly murdering Black people and can’t figure out what the problem is.. I know its not that black and white but that is only a tip of the ice berg.. Long story short, 2020 was a hellish year all around and I am glad that 2020 is over.

I progressed a lot in my current career with cannabis, and subsequently the laws changed and now New Mexico is legalizing recreational Cannabis. Now as of a month ago I work for myself. I left Sacred Garden at the end of May for what I call visionary differences, but I mention some details below. I definitely didn’t like the 40+ hour work weeks plus the 10+hours of driving per week, or waking up at fucking 5 am. I liked the benefit of having money on paper. I got paid well, and was making more money than I ever have in my life by like four or five bucks. The grind was definitely heavy, I was more tired in general then I ever have been in my life. I didn’t have much free time, and my mental health was slipping into a funky depression. I was spending so much time every week for someone elses dream.. I realized the hard way that I am not happy doing that, and no amount of money makes it worth it. I quit over a personal issue with a tough guy shoddy maintenance man, we never had problems at work but he just talks to people like a bully and I wasn’t having it, and none of my bosses or managers could care less or backed me up. Fortunately for me I have a strong sense of dignity and self worth. I’m thankful honestly it gave me a very direct sign that it was my time to move on. I wasn’t learning anything and I was promised lots but nothing ever came to fruition and when I inquired it was like ” yeah right, we’ve never gotten a bonus,” or they told me when I started, “we’ll pay 100 bucks a month to help cover gas and expenses,” (never offered or paid me a dime for gas beyond my paycheck and gas was 300+ a month). Another one was “we’ll give you a raise at your review,” and then after a 3 month late, basically self given review, there was no mention of any added compensation yet the facility looked remarkably better than when I started. I could go on and on, that facility and the atmosphere didn’t let me do my best work although I left very proud of what we did accomplish. I left the facility in a MUCH better state than when I started And ultimately everything I was told or what enticed me to the job was never honored. I learned a lot but it was a lot of how NOT to do things. Otherwise I was just an overpaid team member with no official authority. I was hired as a “manager or assistant Lead”, yet i still had like 5 experienced growers who always knew better methods or do what they saw what someone in California was doing on Instagram.. Literally anything I ever said based on my experience was thrown our or ignored and then i would do what I was told.. something would mess up or be wrong.. then I would follow our SOP and still mess up even though I was doing what I was contractually ordered to do.. Ultimately it was kinda a waste of my time. I did however get ton of positive reinforcement that I could do my own facility and Cannabis business with success. Again 2020 was a year of vision and realization to me, and many others I’m sure.

We are steady cruising through 2021 and the world has somewhat come back to life. Music and events started happening back in May, and now just this past Thursday July 2nd, New Mexico has re-opened to max capacity. It feels so good to move forward. I am not naive and I know that we have a long way to go. I’m so thankful for all of the support and gigs I’ve gotten. I wouldn’t be who I am without my music community. I had gotten jaded with music over the past 18 month and barely touched anything music in at least that long. I was just feeling burned and sad that something that was such a big part of my life was no longer a thing for the foreseeable future. Many of us in the music and Entertainment industry had no idea when we would be able to do what we know and love again. It was very stressful as we learned what businesses and industries were being effected the most. This time last year in 2020 seemed hopeless and like music and events may never come back the way they were before. I’m so happy that is not the case. It’s been hard to shake the anxieties and stresses of the pandemic but it has felt SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good to see friends and peoples smiles and dance together with amplified music in social spaces… some things I, and many others, will hopefully never ever take for granted again.

So not much new except for a new president who is carrying the status quo. I voted democrat. I voted for Biden and Kamala, however I don’t feel their platform is aggressive enough on the progressive end. We need systematic change, not just throwing temporary solutions, but digging deep and rooting out the corruption, greed, and racism.. However the establishment is too embedded in greed and systemic racism to work any differently. I voted Democrat but for the first time in my life I wasn’t really proud or stoked to vote Democrat. I literally carried my party line to prevent the Orange Shit stain from taking office.. Biden should have won by a landslide and seeing how close it was does not give me hope for much of a progressive future. About half of voters still vehemently voted for Baby in Chief and still stand by his moaning that the “election was stolen” despite there being not ONE single piece of evidence that supports that claim. Even after he was gone and cut off from social media he continues to represent the absolute worst this country has to offer, and undermine American democracy.

My personal solutions that I came to, to help me move forward.

I have stopped paying attention to the day to day political stuff because it was literally damaging my mental health. FUCK social media. People act so differently online as opposed to real life. The hate and ugly that people (friends, family, and associates) displayed has made it easy for me to move forward with, and definitely without, certain people. I know going forward how, who, and what to spend my energy on. I hope others made these self discoveries as well. I stand firm in my belief that if you and someone you thought was a friend negatively disagree on basic moral and ethical subjects, that person doesn’t care about you or to understand where you come from. They usually just want to argue or debate. That person is probably not as good of a friend or community member as you may have once thought. I’ve been called more hateful things by family and people I know over the past 2 years than ever before in my life. I can thank orange shit stain for that. He inspired people to show their true colors and sadly much of those colors were out of touch, completely false, blatant lies, violence, racism, and general lack of compassion for others. yeah I can forgive and “still be friends” with lots of people, however I do not want to be friends with hateful, racist, blatantly ignorant with no desire to learn, and overall uncompassionate people.. I don’t have time or stress for these people moving forward. You, [readers] don’t deserve to stress about these types of people either, the choice is yours. I made my social medias a nicer and more peaceful place, now I try to only use them for business, promotion, and networking, more or less how they were originally meant to be used. I choose to remove negative and hateful people from my social medias. I choose to move forward with love and inclusion, productivity and community. These things helped me and might possibly help you

If you read my posts thank you and I hope you gained something or got a chuckle at least. Feel free to comment. I don’t entertain trolls or shit posters, I’ll remove negative comments unless they are constructive in some way that I can determine.

Pax out! Much love and music!

This New Year 2020

It’s been an interesting time in the couple years that I have been writing on this blog. It’s the third day of the year 2020 and our Dumb shit president is provoking war with another nation. I try to be positive but the state of our politics is fucking disgusting. We literally have an impeached president who just assassinated another world leader, and no one will hold him accountable. The politicians in America in the year 2020 have forgone any sense of common decency, compassion, or empathy. My country is controlled by rich white men and women who have no care for the average. War and profits are all they communicate in.

What’s far worse is that they have divided us to the point where anything is an argument. There is a war on reality and I hate to say that reality, yes reality, is losing. There are enough dumb and completely complacent people in the country that this sad state is kept afloat by their own disregard for what is really happening.

I completely understand why people feel helpless and ultimately hopeless. Every system in the world that we know seems to be against the average person yet it is the average people who help perpetrate the system with our own apathy and distraction.

There is a lot to be upset about and a lot to be enraged about, there are tons of ways to hate on the system and take negative action. That is just it. They want you to feel negative. They want you to feel hopeless and worthless. The powers that be are the ones that keep us unhealthy and in the dark. Distracted with technology and media.

I’m not writing just to lament and bitch about all of the bad… I know in my heart and mind that there is positivity and love in the world. I see it everyday. Life really is what you make of it. Gratitude is the attitude. All we can hope to do is move forward and up and be kind to each other. In the coming Year I want to be productive and not put too much energy into things outside of my own mental orbit. I can be a positive light and I can be a motivation to others.

Now in this year 2020 we have to put aside differences and come together in solidarity. Australia is on fire, the earth is crying. I hope for some kind of absolution but I know that will only happen when we as a people wake up and start loving and taking care of each other and our planet. I have hope honestly. Everybody, myself included, needs to step our game up and start living our best life for the future.

So for the new year and new decade, I hope I can be productive and steadfast in my goals. I want to be compassionate and willing to help others. I want to be forthright and make sure to communicate as good as I can. Most of all I want to not fret about the future but make it how I need it to be. For myself, and for other humans.